In addition to your courses, we endeavor to provide a variety of on-campus opportunities to support your vocational discernment, professional formation, and, eventually, law school application and selection process. Check out the opportunities below to learn more about what’s going on this semester.

Pre-Law Programming: Fall 2024

Admissions Visits and Informational Sessions

University of Virginia School of Law (September 17)

Join us in the Autumn Room (Reynolda 232) for a meeting with UVA Law’s Assistant Dean for Admissions and Chief Admissions Officer, Natalie Blazer. This event is open to all students. Students applying in the present and upcoming application cycles are especially encouraged to attend!

The event will begin at 5:00 PM.

Columbia University Law School

Join us in the Autumn Room (Reynolda 232) for a meeting with Columbia Law’s Associate Director of Admissions, Diversity, and Inclusion, James Huerta. This event is open to all students. Students applying in the present and upcoming application cycles are especially encouraged to attend.

The event will begin at Noon!

LSAT Information Session (September 19)

Join us in Room 204 of the Z Smith Reynolds Library for a presentation from Attorney and LSAT Tutor Anna L. Smith. We will cover recent changes to the LSAT format, best practices for preparing, and more!

The event will begin at 6:00 PM.

Dinner with the Dean (September 25)

Join us in the Autumn Room (Reynolda 232) for a dinner with Dean Andrew Klein of Wake Forest University School of Law. We will share a meal and discuss what students can gain from a legal education at Wake Forest. All students are welcome. Students applying in the current and upcoming cycle are especially encouraged to attend.

The event will begin at 5:00 PM.

Registrations Are Full. Thanks to Everyone Who Signed up!

Admissions Visit with Georgetown, Cornell, and University of Texas Law Schools (September 26)

Join us in the Autumn Room for pizza and an admissions visit with Matthew Dillard, Director of Admissions at GW Law, Kamela Dino, Assistant Director of Admissions at Cornell Law, and Mathiew Le, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid at University of Texas Law. All students are welcome. Students applying in the current and upcoming cycle are especially encouraged to attend.

The event begins at Noon!

Admissions Visit w/ Dean Roscoe Jones of Drake Law School

Join Dean Roscoe Jones, Jr. of Drake Law School in the Autumn Room at 2:00 PM on September 26 for a conversation about what Drake Law has to offer! Students at all stages in their academic careers are encouraged to attend and students applying in the current and upcoming cylces are especially ecnouraged!

Vocational Discernment Cohorts

For many students, the law Pre-Law pathway through college can feel disconnected and uncertain. Our vocational discernment cohorts are designed to bring students together for regular meetings that provide them with a community committed to their growth in character and professional formation.

First-Year Cohort: Concepts of Law & Justice

This discussion group, offered in partnership with The Forest, will use a series of hypothetical cases to introduce students to different ways of understanding the concepts of law and justice.

The group will meet weekly for four weeks, beginning on October 7.

Second-Year Cohort: The Advocate and Her Virtues

This discussion group will draw on Longan, Floyd, and Floyd’s book, The Formation of Professional Identity: The Path from Student to Lawyer to explore the excellences of character that make for strong advocacy.

The group will meet weekly for four weeks, beginning on October 7.

Third & Fourth Year Cohort: The ABCs of Legal Practice

This discussion group will draw on McClurg, Levit, and Coughlin’s book Law Jobs to get to know different types of legal careers and to explore what flourishing in these various professional outcomes entails.

The group will meet weekly for four weeks, beginning on October 8.

Students with questions are encouraged to email Dr. Bryan M Ellrod!


Personal Statement Workshop

The Personal Statement is one of your best opportunities to help a law school understand why you want to be a lawyer. That is, it should provide a concise and well-written snapshot of your self-understanding as an aspiring advocate. In this workshop, students will develop and refine their personal statements with the help of the Director of Pre-Law, WFU Law Admissions Professionals, and other WFU Faculty!

Session 1: Articulating our Purpose (September 10, 1:00-1:50 PM)

Session 2: Personal Statement as Writing Sample (September 11, 1:00-1:50 PM)

Session 3: Writing with the Reader in Mind (September 17, 1:00-1:50 PM)

Students are encouraged to attend as many of the sessions as they can, but are encouraged to sign up even if they can’t participate in all three!